Adult Educational Opportunity Center (AEOC)
AEOC的目的是提供免费的支持,以帮助我们社区的参与者申请, 资金, and enrolling in further education. AEOC在这里帮助你实现你所有的教育和职业目标和梦想!
lol菠菜竞猜AEOC申请, you will be asked to disclose the range of your taxable income, which is required per our grant regulations. 如果学生根据经济援助标准被确定为独立(通常是所有24岁以下没有配偶或家属的人), 他们需要使用父母/监护人的应纳税所得额,并获得父母/监护人的签名以进行核实.
应税收入是用来计算个人在给定纳税年度欠政府多少税款的收入数额. This is different from your salary or your gross income. In almost every situation, taxable income is less than your gross income. 应税收入可以在IRS 1040表11b行或ny表201-IT表37或38行找到. 如果你找不到这个表格,你可以用下面的公式计算你的应税收入:
总收入包括, 但不限于, 工资, 工资, 奖金, 提示, 租金收入, 一些政府福利(例如.e. 失业、残疾等.), 股息, 资本利得, 利息收入, 附加福利, 版税, 还有退休分配. If you are married and filed your 2019 taxes jointly, you must include all your spouse’s income as well.
注:任何明确免税的收入都不计入这个数字.e. 子女抚养费、退伍军人福利、福利、工人补偿、社会安全保障等.)
Above the Line Deductions can include, 但不限于, 租金减免, 一些商业扣除, 股票损失, 移动费用, 已付学生贷款利息, 和赡养费.
Below the Line Deductions are either standard or itemized. 通常, 个人只有在扣除额加起来超过标准扣除额的情况下才会逐项列出扣除额.
Example Standard Deduction Amounts
Person A and Person B are married and filed their 2019 taxes jointly. A赚20美元,000 a year and Person B makes $35,000 a year with no additional income, 总收入是55美元,000. 他们有0美元的线上扣除,并采取24,400美元的标准扣除. Therefore, their estimated taxable income is $30,600.