SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

的 Genesee Community College Office of 人力资源 is dedicated to supporting the mission of the college by exp和ing 和 improving experiences that prepare people to thrive in a diverse society. We are committed to promoting diversity by increasing awareness of 和 valuing the differences among prospective 和 current members of the college community.

除了, we strive to facilitate opportunities for all college personnel to engage in continuous learning for professional growth 和 leadership in hopes of fostering a positive work environment.



海合会是一个机会均等的雇主, 致力于促进教师的多样性, 工作人员, 和 student body 和 is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities in the employment application process.

如果您需要住宿,请使用我们的在线系统, 申请一个职位, 查阅所需文件, 或者招聘和雇佣过程的任何部分, 请致电585-345-6808或发送电子邮件至 hr@nbmxw.com.


GCC offers a variety of competitive benefits to both its 全职公务员 as well as 全职教师和专业人员. 请参阅下面的内容,了解GCC为您提供的所有好处.


所有员工, 还有一些符合条件的家庭成员, 是否可以享受海湾合作委员会学分和非学分课程的学费援助, 纽约州立大学其他机构的专业发展课程和课程. Certain limitations 和 restrictions apply, including employment status 和 course enrollment.


Genesee Community College offers all employees access to EAP services via HigherEd 员工援助计划, ESI员工援助小组的一个部门.

HigherEd EAP offers a broad array of tools 和 services to help with concerns that might affect your personal or work life. 例如:压力, 法律问题, 债务, 照顾孩子, 悲伤, 教育计划, 抑郁症, 税, 遗嘱, 戒烟等等.

除了, HigherEd EAP offers thous和s of personal 和 professional development opportunities, 从8岁开始,000培训到一对一的指导. 例如:财务指导, 平衡生活、工作和家庭, 瑜伽初学者, 成功担任主管, 职场冲突等等.

要创建一个帐户,请访问他们的网站:www.HigherEdEAP.com. 您也可以每周7天,每天24小时拨打1-800-252-4555与他们联系.

这个雇主支付的福利是免费供你使用的. No information about your use of the program is given to us as your employer unless you sign a release of information authorizing this.



  • 美国专利商标局 -所有全职员工请病假, 事假和休假由谈判单位协议决定.
  • 带薪假期 -所有全职员工都有带薪假期,由学院决定 校历 通过他们的谈判单位协议.
  • 休假 – Genesee Community College provides Family 和 Medical Leave to its eligible employees for qualifying family 和 medical reasons.
  • 癌症筛查 – All 纽约 State public employees are eligible to receive 4 hours of annual leave for any type of cancer screening, 包括但不限于乳房, 前列腺癌, 结肠, 等.
  • 丧亲之痛


纽约州教师退休制度(TRS) -向非公务员雇员开放, 全职和兼职都有, 总统, 副总统, 迪安, 副院长, 副院长, 教员或图书管理员.

纽约州雇员退休制度(ERS) -对所有员工开放.

纽约州立大学选择性退休计划(ORP) -开放予所有全职非公务员雇员.

自愿储蓄计划 -对所有员工开放.


单位成员可选择参加下列健康保险计划. 现供款比率请与人力资源部联络. 承保范围在开始日期之后的第一个月的第一天生效. 在这个最初参与的机会之后, t在这里 is an open enrollment period annually in November in which employees may change their election.

选择加入健康保险的单位成员必须填写 独立健康登记申请[PDF]杰纳西县登记表格[PDF]. Unit members who waive their option to participate in the health insurance plan are eligible for a buyout contingent on the following waiver being approved. 目前买断金额请与HR联系. 选择退出健康保险的单位成员必须填写 ESPA健康保险豁免表格[PDF] 或者是 GEA健康/牙科保险豁免表格[PDF],视情况而定.


Unit members who opt for health insurance will have dental insurance coverage included at no additional cost. 阅读有关牙科保险的详细信息. 单位成员谁选择牙科保险的范围必须完成 牙科登记表格.

全职公务员, unit members who waive their option to participate in the dental insurance plan are eligible for a buyout contingent on the following waiver being approved. 目前买断金额请与HR联系. 选择退出牙科保险的单位成员必须填写 牙科保险豁免表格. 为 全职教师和专业人员, Unit members who waive their health insurance coverage also waive their dental insurance coverage. 目前没有单独购买的选项.


This optional benefit offers ways to pay for dependent care 和 health care expenses with pre-tax dollars. Employees may elect to participate only upon hire or during the annual open enrollment period. 的 灵活福利登记表格 必须在开始工作后的3个工作日内提交给人力资源部才能获得资格.


长期残疾保险将免费提供给单位成员. 具体的保险信息,请联系人力资源部. Unit members can elect to purchase optional 人寿保险 for yourself, spouse 和 dependents. 请参阅 利益摘要可选寿命和AD&D利率 了解更多信息.

为 全职教师和专业人员, 人寿保险, in an amount equal to double your base annual salary including accidental death 和 dismemberment coverage, 会免费提供给员工吗. 请填写 注册表单 相应的.

公务员请填妥 公务员登记表格 相应的. 请注意, this form needs to be completed whether you are choosing the optional 人寿保险 or not.


Full-time faculty may choose to defer their compensation out beyond their regular 10 month working year. 必须进行选举 在这里.


GCC提供了一个现场 幼儿中心 位于巴达维亚的主校区. An employee who is nursing is entitled to unpaid breaks or paid break or meal times in a private location (other than a restroom) to express breast milk for up to 3 years after childbirth. 如果你是一个哺乳的母亲, discuss your intent to use this benefit with your supervisor 和 make arrangements for your work schedule. Additionally, GCC offers an 员工援助计划 (EAP) to all employees at no cost. 的se counseling services may be used to explore solutions for family care issues.


Western 纽约 offers affordable living 和 diverse cultural 和 recreational activities for everyone.


巴达维亚, 纽约是个古色古香的城市, 主要是位于市中心的农村地区, 从布法罗到罗切斯特只需30分钟车程, 距尼亚加拉大瀑布仅45分钟路程.


Summer – On average at least three days at or above 90 during the summer months 和 42 days at or above 80 from June through August. It’s a season in which many can get overwhelmed with the amount of things to experience.

秋天——气温从70多度开始,逐渐下降到50多度. Colorful peak foliage will spread throughout the area 和 all of 纽约 October through November.

Winter – Average temperatures around 30 with snowfall averaging 80 inches annually. 有很多冬季活动和节日可以参加.

春天——气温回升到60度,伴有中雨. Spring events are in full bloom at open-air festivals like Rochester’s annual Lilac Festival 和 at many more flower shows throughout the state.


该地区的生活成本远低于全国平均水平. A wide range of housing options are available in urban, suburban 和 small-town settings. 当地的住房市场既多样化,又能负担得起.


的 magnificent “Gr和 Canyon of the East” L等hworth State Park located in Wyoming County is just one of many adventures to experience. 这里有适合该地区每个人的东西,包括水上乐园, 游戏, 娱乐, 高尔夫球, 全年户外娱乐, 观众多的体育运动, 艺术 & 剧院、农业娱乐、博物馆、购物、动物冒险和水疗中心.

